Monday, December 7, 2009

Using Twitter the Right Way

Is Twitter important?!? It depends who you are following. I have a myriad of friends who are now part of the ever expanding Twitter community. I have everyone from college friends to business associates who I follow and who follow me on Twitter. What does this get me? I’m not entirely sure.

Although we are all interested in how our friends are doing, I am not sure how much of a necessity it is for me to find out that the man standing in front of you at Starbucks smells like rotten cottage cheese. A great quote from the Host of “The Daily Show” John Stewart reads, “The Internet is just the world passing around notes in a classroom” really applies to Twitter.

I don’t need to know that you just had a great workout. I don’t need to know that you are proud of how well your daughter did during her ballet recital.  Neither do the rest of you.   Would you walk into a room with a bunch of people and make that statement? Of course you wouldn’t….well unless your mom was there and you were talking about her grandchild….always a captive audience.

When you want to engage in a conversation with someone it usually starts off with a question. “How are you doing”? The other person elicits a response. “TA-DA”… you now have meaningful dialogue. Simply put, this is what twitter should be used for in business. I am calling on everyone to use Twitter for good and not evil. I am always interested in what other people are doing and the challenges they face during the day. I already know everything about me. I want to know more about you. I try not to assume that I am that interesting, and neither should you. Chances are that you are very interesting, just not in the way you think you are. I am going to be trying a new experiment on Twitter and need everyone’s help. For those of you on Twitter, please sign up to follow my profile. I am on twitter as dankatz1 . When you sign on make sure to follow me for mobile updates. I will do the same on my end as well. For those of you who have not signed on to Twitter, now is the time. Its free, it won’t hurt and I promise you the information that we share will be useful.

Why will my information be useful? Because will not be my information. It will be your information. I would like to pose questions to those following me and share the responses. I want Twitter to be an open dialogue of those people following me so that we can all share information. I’ll even tell you what the first question is going to be. “What do you think is the coolest website on the Internet that no one knows about but should?” …Computer, Travel, business? Sign up and let’s start a dialogue. If you need help getting a Twitter account rolling, call me I’m always here to help.

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